Medications and Prescriptions
Under the guidelines from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, this practice provides the following services in relation to prescriptions:
Prescriptions are available from this practice.
You may obtain Prescription Only Medicines, Category V, (POM-Vs) from your veterinary surgeon, OR ask for a prescription and obtain these medicines from another veterinary surgeon, on line pharmacy or a local chemist.
Your veterinary surgeon may prescribe POM-Vs only for animals under their care.
There is a charge for writing a prescription (reception will give you the current charges on request)
A prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an in-patient or immediate treatment is necessary.
You will be informed, on request, of the price of any medicine that may be dispensed for your animal.
It is the general policy of this practice is to re-assess an animal requiring repeat prescriptions every 6 months, but this may vary with individual circumstances.
This practice will dispense medication in line with a current prescription from another practice or centre.
We can provide further information on the prices of medicines available on request.
Please note - Prescriptions MUST be dispensed in the UK.
It is illegal to import any Medicine either Human or Veterinary into the UK, and Veterinary Surgeons are asked to report any such activity. It is an offense for any person to be in possession of a veterinary medical product that does not have an appropriate authorisation for use in this country.
It is not in the power of the practice to guarantee that the drugs purchased online are the genuine article or safe for the purpose intended, the purchaser must make every effort to ensure this is the case. We can not be held responsible for the safe supply, storage or delivery of medications bought anywhere other than from our practice.